VCT Masters Tokyo

The Ask & Brief
VALORANT is the hyper-successful first-person shooter from Riot Games, the biggest name in gaming worldwide. For VCT: Masters 2023, set in Tokyo, Riot planned to launch an Esports-centered manga, Rank Up!-- created by design studio Shotopop, to stoke excitement with players and fans alike. Riot wanted a simple landing page for visitors to download the manga—but with all eyes from the global Esports community trained on Tokyo, we knew we needed to go for gold.

A Manga Experience Like No Other
Following initial research and thorough exploration of existing digital comic reading experiences, we worked with Riot to identify KPIs and experience priorities. Armed with this information we created an interactive manga viewer with all the fit and finish VALORANT players come to expect. True to the manga experience, the viewer reads from right to left, with considered UI features to help less familiar visitors navigate the story. And during the tournament, a special alert notified readers when competitions were live so that they could join a stream in real-time.

A Global Phenomenon?
We knew the Esports community the world-over would be tuning in to Masters, and this global event demanded a globally available manga viewer. The VCT Manga Experience was built for all of VALORANT's available regions—18 global locales across North America, LATAM, Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa. The site is available in 19 different languages for maximum accessibility and worldwide buzz.

Some Clutch Moves
We incorporated simple, elegant animations to elevate the manga's cover, back cover, and spreads. Across the whole site, there are over 60 full-art pages, plus animations, localized for 18 global audiences, with 2-3x the standard accessibility built in—and still, the viewer runs smoothly and enhances Riot and Shotopop's beautiful manga.
How’d We Rank?
Immersive, elevated, and driven by the story, our viewer enhanced Riot’s VALORANT manga experience to increase buzz and discoverability in the lead-up to the tournament. (In other words: Sheeeeesh. GG team.)
- Riot