Rupi Kaur AR Filter

A reflective journey
We were tasked with creating an AR filter for Facebook and Instagram to help promote the release of Kaur's latest book, an intimate, illustrated collection of writings exploring themes of nature and nurture, light and dark. Both world-facing and selfie-facing views offer users a peek into Kaur's new book with a sunlit filter.

Transcendent selfie
The world-facing view was designed to showcase a poem from home body. The selfie-facing view, complete with sunlit beauty filter, crown and halo, offers users a moment of empowered celestial calm as they transcend into their "godself"—a sentiment echoed in Kaur's work.

Working with teams across 5 cities, the Thinkingbox team utilized AI to create the halo and sun rays and Maya to render the 3D crown. Both selfie and world-facing views were finalized in Spark AR. We received 6.9 million impressions, 3.3 million opens, 387.5K captures, and 52.4K shares.
- Simon & Schuster