Jasper Website
The Ask & Brief
To launch their Brand Voice feature, Jasper AI asked us to design a homepage to reflect their new positioning and capabilities. The homepage would be a key touchpoint to introduce marketers and creators at enterprise companies to Jasper’s new messaging—so it needed a new look and feel to stand out from the sea of same in the crowded AI category.

The Challenge
Jasper was the first-ever writing AI to incorporate brand voice into their offering, so they needed an equally innovative and exciting homepage to cut through the noise and make sure the right people were hearing them. There’s a lot of writing AIs out there, and most of them are saying the same sort of things in the same sort of way. Jasper AI is never generic, so their homepage shouldn’t be, either.

After identifying and analyzing key barriers, drivers, and needs for Jasper’s target audience, we created a unique digital experience to visually set them apart from the competition. The new homepage is bold and dynamic, optimized for both mobile and desktop. By showcasing Jasper Brand Voice in action, visitors can see how Jasper creates scalable content in their brand voice—whether they speak boldly, cheekily, formally, or only in internet speak (👋 u do u).