ISO // Renegade Visualizer
Thinkingbox enters a flow state to present Iso, Valorant’s newest agent, in an epic music video.

The Ask
Our partners at Riot Games tasked us with designing and animating a full thematic music visualizer that captured the lore and culture of ISO, their brand new agent that morphs into a flow state to dismantle the opposition. The team needed to craft polished visuals that displayed ISO’s power, mystique and ever-changing focus.

Using provided artwork and branding assets, our team set out to pull apart ISO’s essence, intentions and character narrative to create stunning visuals that would hint at his power while also capturing healthy nods to ISO’s homeland rooted in Chinese culture. From subtle moving hair and clothing to rich animated typography and psychedelic effects, ISO came to life through a complex mixture of both 2D and 3D pipelines.