Farida The Fortune Teller
Fortune meets cookies
To drive engagement and to highight the mystical wonder found in every Cookies 'n' Creme bar, Thinkingbox partnered with Anomaly to produce a desktop and mobile microsite where users can have their fortune unveiled to them in the form of a contest campaign. Just like the back of every Cookies 'n' Creme bar is different, so is each person’s fortune.
Receive your reading
The microsite allowed users to upload a photo of the back of a Cookies 'n' Creme bar, which Farida the Fortune Teller would read to provide users with a unique, shareable glimpse into their future. Lucky users would be entered into a contest where they would have a chance to win an array of Hershey's products.

Call it what you will- psychic, oracle, the soothsayer of the interweb- we were able to create a true visionary in the form of this clever microsite which generated buzz and was a blast to put together. We’d call that a foreordained success!